Team training, life changing — that’s what F45 Training is all about.
F45 is a worldwide community that specializes in fitness training through innovative, high-intensity group workouts. They merge three separate cutting-edge styles into one 45-minute class that’s designed to unify the muscular groups in your body, get your heart goin’, and make you feel stronger in all aspects of your life.
Whether it’s cardio, resistance training, or a hybrid of the two, each of their classes is chock full of heart-pumping, sweat-dripping fun — and all the best trainers to help you through.
F45 turned to our team here at OpticTour to assist in building them a strong digital foundation. Essentially, before we could get started on using all the latest and greatest marketing tools to help them grow their business, we had to make sure their framework was sturdy.
When you’ve got multiple locations for your business — and therefore, multiple business pages and social media platforms — it’s absolutely imperative that you keep your brand and content consistent across them all.
If you try to start by using marketing tactics when you don’t have the gaps in your framework filled in, you might end up driving off the very people you’re trying to connect with.
That’s why we kicked things off by sifting through all their social media platforms and Google pages to ensure they were chock full of all the right information, like business hours, addresses and phone numbers, and detailed descriptions of all the great services they offer.
After we ironed out the kinks, we created virtual Google 360 Tours for several of their locations to show potential visitors the ins and outs of their establishment, allowing them to get a feel for the ambiance, the types of equipment they have, and where things are located. This piece also serves to organically boost their ranking on Google, assist with SEO practices, and increase audience engagement and viewership!
Looking for a little motivation to get yourself to the gym? You can watch our virtual tour by heading to this link! It’s basically the same as going in person — right?
Let’s Stay in Touch!
We’re always open to hearing your thoughts and feedback, and if you think we can help you the same way we helped F45 Fitness, our experienced team of skilled creatives would love to dive in and get our hands dirty! Whenever you’re ready, you can fill out this form to get in touch with us.
8863 Anderson Mill Road, Suite 117
Austin, Texas
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