How many times have you gone shopping at the grocery store and had to walk aimlessly down the aisles because you didn’t know where something was?
It happens to all of us — but Cedar Park’s Whole Foods found a way around that!
Just in case you aren’t familiar: Whole Foods Market is the world’s largest natural-foods grocery chain, and it was founded right here in Austin, TX!
Cedar Park’s Whole Foods reached out to our team here at OpticTour to create a Google 360 Virtual Tour that guides customers around their store, allowing them to get a feel for the ambiance, the types of products they have, and where things are located.
Essentially, this virtual creation will function as a solid mapping tool for years to come, also serving to organically boost their ranking on Google, assist with SEO practices, and increase audience engagement and viewership!
Ready to take a trip to the store? You can head to this link to check it out. Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags!
If you want to have a little fun while you shop till you drop, we’ve gone ahead and compiled a little digital scavenger hunt for you.
And the prize?
The priceless understanding of all the wonderful, natural products that Whole Foods Cedar Park has to offer — and the fact that whenever you take a trip in person, you won’t have to turn around 500 times because you forgot to grab some organic oat milk.
Can You Find the Following?
If you think a virtual tour would be a great addition to your marketing plan — or if you have any questions about digital marketing, videography, and more — we here at OpticTour would love to sit down and see what we can do to help you out! Whenever you’re ready, you can fill out this form to get in touch with us.
8863 Anderson Mill Road, Suite 117
Austin, Texas
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